One of our employees obtained his RPAS class 1 pilot license lasth month.
This allows us to fly drone missions up to 91m altitude with drones up to 150kg above the built-up area and / or a group of people. We can also request exceptions to carry out missions in No-Fly zones (port areas, close to airports, ... ..)
Abesim has 2 new drones for this. One drone is a hexacopter of the latest generation provided with the technological equipment to deliver your photos and videos in 4K resolution.
We use a smaller drone for indoor projects. This drone allows us to view things that are otherwise too dangerous or too difficult to reach. For example for inspections of roof constructions or asbestos inventories.
What are the advantages of using a drone in the workplace?
• Identification of things that are not easily visible.
• Detailed visual inspections
• Ortophotomap and a digital height model with dimensions
• Detailed overview of the entire project area.
In short, our drones can be used as highly efficient tools for collecting spatial data for our environmental and expertise projects. Not only to make an inventory but also to map all environmental conditions, to explore access roads ...
At Abesim we like to embrace new technologies, so that we can carry out our work more efficiently and offer quality to our customers.